Nikki Sixx Condemns Application Statement About Mick Mars

JAKARTA - Nikki Sixx denounced ariad Appice statement about "unhappy" Mick Mars guitarist in the months leading up to his departure from Motley Crue.

In a recent interview with Andrew Daly of Ultimate Guitar, legendary drummer totaling his work with Vanilla Fudge, Cactus and Rod Stewart, revealed new facts about Mick's exit from Motley Crue.

"I've been talking to Mick, and he told me, 'When I was at 'The Stadium Tour', I wasn't happy.' Basically, everything was on the record; everything was planned and finally a lot of nonsense," said kootic.

"And Mick is a pretty good player, and for now letting him go and play as he wants, it's never going to work for him. The truth is that everything is getting weird with Motley Crue."

Sixx, who has yet to provide any interviews about Mars' departure from Motley Crue, responded directly to Appice's comments via Twitter.

"Like how people talk to us without talking to us. This is why the media have lost credibility. Obviously by printing BS they make money from advertising and we don't like the clickbait game. When the truth is revealed, it will be from us," he tweeted.

"A drummer who is tired of trying to talk to us? And the bottom media run it to make money from lies? Welcome to the sad new world of LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME," added Nikki.