Gianni Infantino Re-elected As FIFA President, See How Much Salary

YOGYAKARTA - The position of President of FIFA for the 2023-2027 period is held by Gianni Infantion. Gianni Infantino was re-elected as President of FIFA in the 073 FIFA Congress in Kigali, Rwanda. The results of this election certainly shocked football lovers because recently the Swiss man was in the midst of criticism that befell him.

Gianni Infantion expressed his gratitude for becoming President of FIFA is an extraordinary honor. He stated that he would be responsible for continuing to serve FIFA and football around the world.

"Being President of FIFA is an extraordinary honor, a great privilege, and also gives great responsibility. I feel humble and touched by your support, and I promise you that I will continue to serve FIFA, serve football around the world, and serve all 211 FIFA member associations," Infantino said after being re-elected, as reported by FIFA.

In the FIFA Presidential election for the new term of office, the FIFA Congress was held in Africa for the first time. The congress was opened by the President of Rwanda Paul Kagame. Paul congratulated Gianni Infantino for being re-elected as President of FIFA.

Many football lovers are wondering how much the salary of FIFA President Gianni Infantino is. Reporting from the Planet Sport page, Ginanni Infantino earned a salary of CHF2.98 million (USD 3.19 million) in 2021. The nominal salary is equivalent to Rp49.34 billion.

Gianni Infantino's salary as FIFA President is divided into two, namely a basic salary of 1.95 million CHF and a variable wage of CHF1.03 million paid in 2022.

The salary earned by the most important person in FIFA is fantastic. Moreover, it is known that Gianni only has expenses below USD 20 thousand or the equivalent of around Rp. 309 million.

In addition to salary, Gianni Infantino also received a number of facilities from FIFA. These facilities include free houses and cars during his tenure. Not only that, it is known that Gianni has also received annual bonuses since 2017.

Gianni Infantino is trusted to be the President of FIFA because he has knowledge about football and has experience in the world of football for a long time. Gianni graduated from Fribourg University majoring in Law.

Gianni once worked as Secretary General of the International Center for Sport Studies (CIES) at Neuchatel University. Gianni is also a polygloberate who speaks several languages, such as French, English, German, Spanish, and Swiss.

Gianni joined the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) in 2000. Four years later, Gianni was finally trusted to become Director of the Legal Licensing Division and UEFA club.

Gianni's career continued to creep up over time. In 2007, Gianni was appointed Deputy Secretary General. Then in 2009, he assumed the position of Secretary General.

While at UEFA, Gianni gave many innovations and performed well. So it is not surprising that he was finally appointed President of FIFA at the FIFA Extraordinary Congress (KLB) in Zurich, Switzerland, on February 26, 2016. Gianni was appointed to replace Sepp Blatter.

This is a review of Gianni Infantino being re-elected as President of FIFA for the period 2023-2027. Gianni, who is 52 years old, is running as a candidate for FIFA without an opponent. Gianni promised to increase FIFA's revenue and called for active football around the world.

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