11 Traditions Of Welcoming Ramadan In Indonesia That Are Unique And Full Of Sacred Meaning

YOGYAKARTA - The beginning of the holy month of Ramadan 1443 falls on Thursday 22-23 March 2023. Ramadan is a blessed month that Muslims around the world have been waiting for, including in Indonesia. Muslims in the archipelago have various traditions of welcoming Ramadan which have been carried out for generations.

Various unique traditions that welcome Ramadan can be found in various regions in Indonesia. Each region has a different tradition in which there are its own meanings or values. The month of Ramadan, which only takes place once a year, is always eagerly awaited by Muslims and enthusiastically.

Unique traditions to welcome Ramadan have been preserved until now in various regions. Excitement and sacred nuances were held nearing the holy month of Ramadan.

Here are various traditions to welcome Ramadan in Indonesia:

Padusan is a tradition of welcoming Ramadan carried out by Javanese people in the areas of Surakarta and Yogyakarta. Padusan is a bathing activity to purify themselves. This self-cleaning activity is carried out in a crowd at places where water is being observed, such as Sendang, waterfall, or sea.

For example, the moment before Ramadan in Klaten, the community will busy throw themselves in the center to clean themselves. In Boyolali, people do padusan in the waterfall. This activity is believed to be a way to purify themselves before entering the fasting month.

The Sundanese people have a tradition of uploading to welcome the arrival of Ramadan. The uploaded tradition is carried out by families in Sundanese land within a week or two weeks before entering the fasting month of Ramadan.

Uploading is an activity of gathering with loved ones, such as family, friends, and colleagues. At this moment of gathering, then each person will apologize and forgive each other.

The tradition of welcoming Ramadan carried out by the people of Aceh is Meugang. This tradition is usually carried out the day before the fasting month and is carried out for two days. The people of Aceh carry out this tradition as a form of belief in the kindness and blessings that were obtained 11 months ago must be grateful.

The tradition of meugang is similar to the celebration of Eid al-Adha, where people will flock to slaughter sacrificial animals such as cows or goats. The people there then cooked meat and ate it with loved ones and orphans.

People in Kudus, Central Java, have a Dandangan tradition to welcome Ramadan. Dandangan has been a tradition in the area since the 400's last year, starting since the Sunan Kudus era. Dandangan is a public party that is crowded with the people of Kudus and its surroundings. Dandangan was held with a night market event full of sellers of various household needs.

The Balimau tradition is always carried out by the Minangkabau community to welcome Ramadan. This tradition is believed to have been carried out for centuries and has been preserved until now. Balimau is a tradition of bathing using lime juice which is usually done by people who live near rivers or water sources. Bathing activities with lime as a form of outer and outer self-cleaning.

The people of Palembang always make kubro pilgrimages as a tradition of welcoming the month of Ramadan. The pilgrimage of the kubro is a pilgrimage to ancestral graves and scholars. This tradition is usually carried out at the Tengkurep 3 Ilir Crater Cemetery, where the Palembang scholars rest.

Suro Read is a tradition carried out by the Bugis community in Makassar every time they approach Ramadan. This tradition has been preserved for generations among the Bugis tribe. Suro Read is done at the end of the month of Sya'ban or H-7 until one day before Ramadan. This tradition is done by eating together as well as friendship, and is filled with joint prayer activities and ends pilgrimage to ancestral graves.

The megibung tradition is carried out by Muslim communities in Bali ahead of the month of Ramadan. Megibung is a tradition or culture that comes from Karangasem, Bali. This tradition is carried out with a joint tomb that is interspersed with light chats. Eating with Megibung is usually done about 4-7 people in one banquet.

Nyorog has become a Betawi tradition when entering the fasting month of Ramadan. This tradition is an activity of distributing gifts to family members or neighbors. Giving gifts is usually done by people who are younger in age to older people. The purpose of the tradition of ninorog is to ask for blessings for the smooth fasting for one month.

The Minangkabau community also has another unique tradition to welcome the month of Ramadan, namely night. The tradition of the night is actually also carried out to celebrate other important religious days. Malamang is a busy activity to create a page or lemang made of glutinous.

The people of Central Java carry out the tradition of crossing before the fasting month. Nyadran is carried out by visiting ancestral graves, to pray and clean graves. In addition to cleaning graves, the people of Java will also hold safety or kenduri at ancestral graves.

Those are a number of traditions to welcome Ramadan in various regions in Indonesia. Actually, there are many other traditions carried out by the people of the archipelago ahead of the Ramadan fasting month. Each tradition has its own meaning or goal as a sense of gratitude, enthusiasm, and preparation for entering Ramadan.

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