2 Security Guards And 1 Injured Employee Shot During Bank Robbery In Bandar Lampung

Three people are known to have been shot in a robbery that occurred at the People's Credit Bank (BPR) Arta Kedaton Makmur, on Jalan Laksamana Malahayati, Bandar Lampung City, Lampung Province on Friday, March 17."For the robbery incident at the bank, three people were shot," said Bandar Lampung Police Chief Kombes Ino Harianto in Bandar Lampung after inspecting the location, Antara, Friday, March 17.He mentioned that the three victims were one security guard from Bank Mayora, and a security guard and an employee of Bank Arta Kedaton Makmur."The victim has now been taken and hospitalized," he said.Ino said that in this incident and based on witnesses, the perpetrators of the robbery only pointed to one person who had been arrested."We have secured the perpetrators," he said.In the action of the robbers carrying two firearms, namely revolvers and air Sofguns."For the chronology, the perpetrator went down in front of Bank Mayora, then saw an escort from Bank Mayora to Bank Arta Kedaton Makmur who carried out financial transactions guarded by security guards," he said.During the escort of the financial transaction, continued Ino, the perpetrators came and carried out detention and shootings several times and then the perpetrator entered the Bank Arta Kedaton Makmur building."The perpetrator shot one employee and security. Then the perpetrator tried to take some money but it didn't happen. Because security can be carried out by the bank employee," he said.