Bogor TNI Members Thwart 3 Kg Cannabis Transactions, Mode Entrusted To Stalls

A marijuana-type drug courier was successfully arrested by a member of the TNI in the Sukahati area, Cibinong District, Bogor Regency, Bogor Regency. Evidence of marijuana weighing 3 kilograms was deposited in a cilembu sweet potato shop. Angggota Babinsa Cibinong Kodim 0621 Bogor Regency, Serka Sunardi, said the arrest occurred on Thursday, March 16 evening. He received information from a suspicious community with a package of deposits of services to a cilembu sweet potato stall. "The head of the RT informed that in the neighborhood there were suspicious deposits in the cilembu sweet potato stall 3 times," Sunardi said, confirming that Friday, March 17 From there, Sunardi and members of Bhabinkamtibmas came to the shop. Arriving at the location, the suspicious package was taken by an online motorcycle taxi driver. Then, members came to the intended address by following the motorcycle taxi driver. Arriving at the scene of the case (TKP), two suspicious people on the side of the road were waiting. Sunardi came to and asked about the interests of the two suspicious people. It was not immediately asked, the two men immediately stepped on the gas and spontaneously embraced one of them suspected of being the recipient of the package until they were dragged 10 meters. The perpetrator' the motorbike fell, but one of the allegedly as the recipient managed to escape,' he said. From the results of the interim examination, he said, one of them was successfully arrested. To the officer, the perpetrator with the initials NM got an order from the dealer to take goods to be delivered to the customer. With a successful reward in each take of Rp 4 million,' he added.

Currently, Sunardi said, NM and evidence of 3 kilograms of marijuana have been secured. Furthermore, it was handed over to the Bogor Police Narcotics Unit to undergo further investigation. "The perpetrator was handed over by Lt. Col. Kav Gangan Rusgandara to the Bogor Police for further investigation and processing," he concluded.