6 Diet Tips On Fasting Months That Are Easy To Practice

YOGYAKARTA Not a few people experience weight gain during fasting. This can happen because they do not pay attention to food intake during fasting. Well, for those who don't want their weight to rise, pay attention to the following diet tips in the fasting month.

Originally, the principle of diet in the fasting month was the same as a daily diet outside the month of Ramadan.

You can lose weight by consuming complex carbohydrates, fats, and protein that are right at dawn and break the fast.

Compiled from various sources, Sunday, March 19, 2023, here are the diet tips for the fasting month that you can apply easily:

The first way to diet when fasting is to eat a balanced nutritious food when sahur and breaking the fast.

Related to this, you can eat foods from whole wheat, potatoes, oatmeals, or brown rice to meet your carbohydrate needs while fasting.

In addition, you also need to eat red meat without fat, salmon, olive oil, and avocado to meet your fat needs.

Consumption of high protein foods, such as eggs, tofu, tempeh, fish, and chicken is also important when dieting in the fasting month. This type of food can help suppress appetite. Thus, you will not overeat and eat when breaking the fast.

Don't forget to eat foods that are rich in fiber, such as green vegetables and fruits. Fiber will be absorbed and digested by the body for a longer time.

These two types of food can indeed satisfy the tongue, because it contains monosodium glutamate (MSG), artificial sweeteners, sodium, and fat. However, processed product foods and junk food can make you easily hungry because it is difficult to control your desire to eat these foods.

One of the reasons why weight is difficult to lose when fasting is consuming too much sweet food and drink when breaking the fast.

Foods and drinks that are high in sugar can indeed restore lost energy. However, consuming too much sweet foods and drinks can disrupt the diet while fasting that is being done.

Instead, you can eat dates when breaking the fast. This food is a good and nutrient-rich source of sugar, such as high fiber, manganese, and potassium.

Oily foods contain saturated fat, which can cause increased weight and trigger rising levels of bad cholesterol (LDL).

If you want a diet, you should avoid consuming fried foods when breaking the fast.

Many people make the moment of breaking the fast a place to'revenge' by eating excessively after holding back hunger and thirst for a long time.

In fact, excessive portion of eating can cause health problems and gain weight. Especially if the food you eat contains sugar and saturated fat.

To avoid weight gain, keep eating in a reasonable portion so that your diet program continues smoothly.

Exercise during fasting can keep the body healthy and help lose weight.

Related to this, you can do light exercise in the morning before you start your activities. Choose a sport that doesn't make you thirst quickly. Or you can exercise at night after breaking the fast.

That's information about diet tips in the fasting month. Read on VOI.ID to get other interesting information.