Tracing Mask Supplies In A Number Of Areas In Jakarta

JAKARTA - The spread of the corona virus is a frightening specter for the world community, including Indonesia. The step to deal with this virus is to use a mask when doing outdoor activities.

This information makes masks a hunted item. In fact, at present, these respiratory protection is difficult to find.

However, that does not mean that masks have completely disappeared from the market. But, you need to spend more because the traders sell it at a hefty price.

The head of the YLKI Daily Executive, Tulus Abadi, was suspicious of the increase in the price of this mask. According to him, there are parties who are trying to find profit behind the issue of the spread of the corona virus. So, he asked the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) and the Police to investigate it thoroughly.

"Regarding this matter, YLKI asked the KPPU to investigate the case, because it indicated that certain business actors or distributors had taken excessive profit or margins," said Tulus in his statement, Monday, February 10.

Based on the law concerning Unfair Business Competition, excessive margin actions by business actors constitute a violation. To that end, the National Police was asked to act by investigating the alleged hoarding of masks by certain individual distributors for profit.

In fact, the alleged mask hoarding occurred in major markets in the Jakarata area, namely, Pramuka and Jatinegara markets, East Jakarta.

East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Arie Ardian said that his party had not found or received any information regarding this allegation. "So far we have not received any reports," he said.

In addition, East Jakarta Metro Police Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKBP Heri Purnomo said that if there is a report or information about the hoarding of masks, then his party will first investigate to ensure a criminal offense. When it fulfills the criminal element, the police will take action in accordance with the existing regulations.

"Of course there is supervision, but first we check whether there is a criminal offense or not," said Heri.

Based on VOI's search, masks are quite difficult to obtain. Of the two pharmacies in the Kebon Jeruk area, West Jakarta, not one sold them because the stock had run out since the end of January.

However, masks are easy to find in one of the mini markets not far from the pharmacy. In the window, there are eight packages, each containing five masks.

One mini marker employee named Nissa said the mask stock was no longer as abundant as usual. For now, the number on display is the last stock in February.

However, the stock of masks every month is still sent to his shop. However, the numbers are not as large as before or to be precise before the news about the corona virus.

"If it is sent, it's still but not much. Maybe because it is news about the Corona virus," said Nissa.

Stock of masks at one of the minimarkets VOI met (Rizky Adytia Pramana / VOI)

A few days ago, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto said masks originating from Indonesia were exported to China.

"The demand for masks is extraordinary. Because now for the next 3 months, China has absorbed these masks," said Airlangga, Monday, February 3.

Even though Airlangga saw an opportunity from importing these masks, he asked mask manufacturers to pay attention to the availability of goods in Indonesia because he was worried that we might run out of masks.

"Countries like ours must also prepare quota (masks) for the country, not to absorb them all and not get them domestically," he said.

It's just that, Airlangga's request seems too late. Because, since news of the spread of the corona virus has been rife, masks are like a rare item that is difficult to find. This was agreed by the Secretary General of the Yoyon Scout Market Traders Association.

International route passengers who have just arrived Soekarno-Hatta Airport (Irfan Meidianto / VOI)

According to him, at the Pramuka Market, East Jakarta, the presence of masks is starting to run low because sales are rarely delivering masks, especially those of the N95 type.

"Sales do not get them, they supply them to the Pramuka Market. So between shops are looking for them. Officially, it can be said that there is no longer (supply)," Yoyon told reporters when contacted in Jakarta, Monday, February 3.

He also explained that a number of shops no longer sell masks with the N95 type. Even if someone sells it, the price is drastically more expensive than the previous price.

If before the spread of the corona virus masks were sold for IDR 200 thousand per box with the contents of 20 pieces, now, according to Yoyon, one box of N95 masks can be sold for up to IDR 1.3 million.

Even though the price has increased because it is scarce, he said, there are still quite a lot of people who are looking for these masks, especially Chinese citizens who live in Indonesia and want to provide assistance to their families in the Panda Country by sending masks from Indonesia.

Therefore, Yoyon advised the government to pay attention to the availability of masks in Indonesia before providing assistance to export masks to China.

"What a pity we are, our outside (countries) are providing assistance like that while here the price goes up beyond reason because of the scarcity of masks itself," said Yoyon.

Attributes used in handling the corona virus (Irfan Meidianto / VOI)

The use of masks has recently been considered a solution to prevent transmission of the corona virus. There are two types of masks that are usually used to prevent this virus, first N95 masks and surgical masks.

The N95 mask is a type of mask that can block large and small particles that contain viruses. This mask is thought to be able to filter 95 percent of the particles in the air.

The second is a surgical mask or surgical mask that is mostly used by medical personnel when treating their patients. These disposable masks are usually easy to find and cheaper than N95 masks.

However, between the two masks, the N95 type mask is more recommended for use to prevent the corona virus. The reason is, this mask is more effective at filtering various particles in the air and is considered tighter than surgical masks which still have gaps in the cheeks.