Examination Of Cases Of Alleged Bribery For Alfamart Licensingjeda, Former Kendari Walkot Can Choose Lunch Outside The Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office

KENDARI - The High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) of Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) said that the examination of the former Kendari Mayor with the initials SK was held at noon today, Thursday, March 16.

The decree, which was examined as a witness in the alleged bribery case for licensing Alfamidi/Alfamart outlets in Kendari, chose a 1.5 hour afternoon break outside the Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office. Just returned at 13.40 WITA.

"Ishoma (eatwater breaks) first, we offer it here, but he (former Mayor of Kendari with the initials SK) wants to be outside. The second examination is at 13.30 WITA," said Head of the Legal Information Section (Kasi Penkum) of the Southeast Sulawesi Attorney General's Office, Dody in Kendari, Thursday, March 16.

He conveyed that the decree arrived at the Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office at around 09.30 WITA, then underwent an examination until 12.00 WITA. After resting, the former mayor arrived at the Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office at around 13.40 WITA.

Dodi said that the decree underwent an investigation into the alleged corruption in licensing of Alfamidi/Alfamart outlets in Kendari which ensnared the Kendari City Regional Secretary with the initials RT.

"So, at this time, the position concerned was again questioned by the investigating team of the Southeast Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office. So, the person concerned was asked for information with the capacity as a witness," he said, confiscated by Antara.

As of 15.17 WITA, the former Mayor of Kendari SK is still undergoing examination at the Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office.

"Then whether the detention will be carried out or not, until now it has not been because the capacity in question is still a witness," said Dody.

Di hari ini juga, Dody mengatakan pemeriksaan dilakukan RT selaku Sekretari Daerah Kota Kendari bersama SM sebagai Tenaga Ahli Tim Wali Kota Percepatan Pembangunan Kota Kendari Bidang Planning, Pengelolaan Keunggulan Daerah dengan SK Wali Kota Kendari tahun 2021-2022.

Both RT and SM have been named by the Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office as suspects in the alleged bribery case for the permit of PT Midi Utama Indonesia (MUI) on Monday, March 13.

"Regarding whether there is a state loss or not, we associate this with article 11 and article 12 letter e related to bribery and gratification. So, we do not make a suspect with articles on state financial losses," said Dody.