3 Sumedang Landslide Victims Found, The SAR Team Is Still Looking For 23 Others

JAKARTA - The joint Search and Rescue Team (SAR) found three new victims buried by landslides in Cimanggung District, Sumedang Regency, West Java (West Java).

Head of the Bandung SAR Office, Deden Ridwansyah, said that with the addition of the victim's findings, the total number of victims died was 16 people. Until now, his party is still looking for 23 other people.

"(Data) Develops and changes from time to time, depending on reports from the public or the families of the victims," said Deden as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 12.

The SAR Team found the three people at different times. The newly found victims were immediately evacuated and put in body bags to be brought to the puskesmas.

On Monday, January 11, at around 9:05 p.m., the SAR Team managed to find a female victim, and at 22.40 WIB the SAR Team again found a male victim.

Then on the fourth day of the search, Tuesday today, the SAR Team found the victim was a male at 09.55 WIB. All of the victims found were dead.

In the search process, the SAR Team used two units of heavy equipment and other equipment, including personal protective equipment to evacuate victims.

"The total force of SAR element personnel registered at the post is 1,108 people," said Deden.

The landslide disaster in Cimanggung District, Sumedang Regency, West Java occurred on Saturday, January 9.

Landslides on the sloping settlement land occurred twice. In the subsequent landslides that occurred a few hours after the first landslide, residents and field officers were also killed.