Avoid Disputes, Ministry Of Home Affairs Asks Local Government To Complete 304 Expansion Village Limits

JAKARTA - Avoiding conflicts and disputes, the Ministry of Home Affairs, through the Directorate General of Village Administration, asked local governments to immediately resolve the determination of village boundaries and report to the Village Boundary Determination and Emphasis Team (PPBDes).

Director General of Village Administration Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs Eko Prasetyanto Purnomo Putro in a statement received in Jakarta, Wednesday, said that the settlement of village boundaries could provide legal certainty for villages in the regions.

"Completion of village boundaries will provide legal certainty to villages," said Eko when giving directions at the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) for the Acceleration of Settlement of Determination and Enforcement of Village Boundaries, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 15.

He said the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian had given 304 village codes to the expansion village.

Therefore, Eko asked the regents and mayors who had received the village code to immediately confirm the limits on these villages and report to the provincial level PPBDes team, to then be submitted to the Directorate General of Village Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Eko explained that Indonesia's vision in terms of development is village administration development. This is stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 45 of 2016 concerning Guidelines for Determination and Affirmation of Village Boundaries.

"In this meeting, I would like to convey several things that need our attention together as a form of follow-up to the implementation of the two-year Presidential Regulation on One Map Policy, especially regarding the condition of the village boundary map," he said.

He hopes that this activity will be able to increase understanding of the importance of resolving village boundaries. In addition, he also hopes that the capacity of village officials in the implementation of village boundary settlements will increase.

Thus, it will provide legal certainty and status of a village area, as well as the implementation of village boundary affirmation by using the cartometric method according to the stages regulated in Permendagri Number 45 of 2016.

"Through this National Coordination Meeting forum, as a step to accelerate the completion of the determination and affirmation of village boundaries, it is hoped that it will produce recommendations, follow-up plans, and joint commitments in order to accelerate the completion of the determination and affirmation of village boundaries," said Eko.