Tips For Relieving Hangover After Consuming Alcoholic Beverages

JAKARTA - After consuming quite a lot of alcoholic drinks, generally people will experience a hangover or hangover. This condition causes several symptoms such as headaches, heavy body feeling, tired, nausea, dehydration, and even diarrhea.

According to Dr. Anita Sturnham, alcohol is a diuretic and it stimulates a hormone that increases urination so that the body loses a lot of water.

There are many myths about getting rid of hangovers, including eating greasy foods to consuming extra alcohol in the morning. However, here are the simplest and most effective ways to relieve a hangover:

Drink pear juice

According to researchers at the Australian Commonwealth of Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, drinking pear juice can relieve hangover effects. The juice interacts with enzymes and can break down alcohol. Then it speeds up the metabolism and leaves less alcohol for the body to absorb.

Consume a glass of pear juice after you wake up and before eating or drinking anything for maximum results.

Take vitamins

Excessive alcohol consumption can act as an antinutrient, this will increase the body's demand for vitamins and minerals. You will feel lethargic, tired, and impaired immune system. For that, take vitamin supplements to improve overall health.


Even though the head still feels dizzy and heavy, don't be complacent to keep lying down after waking up in the morning. Push yourself to get up and move. Try taking a walk around the house for 15 minutes or even doing light exercise that makes your body sweat.

Drink water

Because the body may lose a lot of fluids and cause dehydration, don't forget to drink more water, about 2-3 liters per day. Intake of fluids other than alcohol in the body can slow down the work of the body in absorbing alcohol and can reduce the concentration of alcohol in the blood.


Alcohol consumption can cause oxidative stress which causes the body to produce free radicals. This condition can be treated with antioxidants which can reduce the negative effects of alcohol.

To relieve hangovers, eat foods high in antioxidants such as berries, cherries, grapes, carrots, spinach, ginger, chocolate, green tea, and nuts.