The US House Of Representatives Targets The Impeachment Of Donald Trump To Begin Tomorrow

JAKARTA - The US House of Representatives is targeting to start the stages of the impeachment process against President Donald Trump on Wednesday, January 13 local time. Trump is thought to have sparked riots on Capitol Hill during the US Congress session last week.

The US House Majority Leader who is also a Democrat Steny Hoyer said the impeachment effort would begin immediately if US Vice President Mike Pence did not respond to requests to request the 25th Amendment of the US Constitution to remove Trump from his post.

"We have a president who most of us believe, (he) participated in encouraging the uprising and attacks on Capitol Hill, democracy and disrupting the tally of the US presidential election vote," Hoyer said as reported by Reuters, Tuesday, January 12.

The US House of Representatives itself is known to have started the discussion of impeachment in the session yesterday. Donald Trump is faced with serious charges of encouraging an uprising. This was immediately responded to by the Republican Party who supported Trump.

Republicans blocked efforts to immediately consider a resolution asking Mike Pence to introduce the 25th Amendment that was never used to remove the president.

"The US House of Representatives must not adopt a resolution demanding the removal of an elected president, without a hearing, debate or registered vote," Republican politician Alex Mooney said in his objection.

Tuesday evening local time, the US House of Representatives will hold a vote on a resolution using the 25th Amendment that allows the vice president and cabinet to remove a president who is unable to fulfill his duties.

Mike Pence and Republican politicians show interest in realizing the amendment. However, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives and Democrat Nancy Pelosi stepped up her pressure and asked Pence to comment within 24 hours after the resolution was passed.

"As a next step, we will move forward with efforts to impeach the (US House of Representatives) floor of the assembly. The president's threat to America is urgent, as are our actions," Pelosi said.

If realized, Donald Trump will make history as the first US President to face two impeachment attempts.

It is known that Donald Trump's supporters staged a demonstration that led to riots at the Capitol Hill Building, when the US Congress discussed the results of the US Presidential Election which was won by Joe Biden.