Tumbukan Ekonomi Masyarakat, Lombok Tengah Genjot Desa Wisata

PRAYA - Deputy Regent (Wabup) of Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), HM Nursiah, asked all heads of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) to participate in promoting tourist villages in order to increase community economic growth.

"Potensi di desa harus terus dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat," katanya saat acara Musrenbang Kecamatan di Desa Wisata Tandung Andung Desa Lendang Are, Kecamatan Kopang dikutip ANTARA, Selasa 14 Maret.

He said the 2023 District Musrenbang activity was not carried out in a closed room, but was held at a tourist destination as a form of support for the development of tourist villages.

The central government has determined the Mandalika Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and in the area the Circuit has been built for the MotoGP and WSBK racing events.

"Promotion is the obligation of all of us so that the number of tourists can increase," he said.

He said the Central Lombok Regency Regional Original Revenue (PAD) target reached IDR 315 billion, the funds were used to improve development in the area.

"This means that there is no difference between people in the south and north," he said.

To improve development in Central Lombok, he said, there are several things that are prioritized by the regional government (Pemda), namely improving education and health quality services, standardizing MSME superior products, and strengthening the regional tourism ecosystem.

The focus of development in Central Lombok is in accordance with the Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD), he continued, namely increasing productivity and quality of food products and increasing labor competition, improving road quality, irrigation, disaster mitigation, and maintaining social stability of the community.

"The program formulated in this Musrenbang is expected to improve the community's economy," he said.