One Year Fleeing, AGO Arrests Fugitive Members Of The Central Sulawesi DPRD

The Attorney General's Office's Fugitive Arrest Team (Tabur) together with the Batam City District Attorney's Office (Kejari) arrested unscrupulous members of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) Yahdi Basma who had been on the Palu District Attorney's Wanted List (DPO) for almost a year.

The Head of Batam City, Herlina Setyorin, stated that the person concerned was charged with defamation or violating the ITE Law by the Central Sulawesi Kejari.

He was proven to have violated the ITE Law to the former Governor of Southeast Sulawesi for the 2011-2021 period, Longki Djangola.

"Based on the decision of the Supreme Court, the person concerned was declared valid and found guilty of defamation," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 14.

He explained that Yahdi was arrested in the Sekupang area, Batam on Monday, March 13 afternoon. The person concerned was cooperative without a fight when the prosecutor's team arrested him.

"Yahdi is known to have been sentenced to 10 months in prison and a fine of Rp. 300 million, subsidiary to one month," he said.

Yahdi has been on the Palu District Attorney's Wanted List (DPO) since March 23, 2022. Meanwhile, in the process, he was not detained.

"This afternoon we also flew to Jakarta. Previously, last night we entrusted him to the Batu Ampar Police," he said.