Sales Of Chicken Eggs From Biak To Jayapura And Mamberamo Raya Reach More Than IDR 5 Billion

The transaction of selling chicken eggs for business actors in Biak Numfor Regency, Papua, which was sent outside the area to Jayapura and Mamberamo Raya Regency has reached more than IDR 5 billion.

"The production of chicken eggs from Biak has been in a surplus so it must be sent out of Biak, including Jayapura and Mamberamo Raya Regency," said Head of the Biak Food Security Agriculture Service Numfor Made Suaryadana as quoted by Antara, Monday, March 13.

He said the sale of chicken eggs produced by business actors in Biak to be sent outside the area reached more than 170 tons.

Made assessed that the sale of chicken eggs from Biak Numfor outside the region could increase the income of livestock business actors, most of whom came from native Papuan children.

He hopes that the chicken eggs produced by Biak business actors can be increased so that they can boost family income.

"Even transactions resulting from the sale of chicken eggs of up to IDR 5 billion can drive the economy of the Biak Numfor area," said Made.

One of the accompanying team of the Biak Drh animal husbandry business group, Bambang H, admitted that he was very happy that the mentoring process carried out by the Regional Apparatus Organization of the Food Security Agriculture Service had succeeded in increasing the production of chicken eggs from indigenous Papuan livestock business actors.

"As our technical staff, livestock assistants will continue to help develop livestock businesses so that livestock chickens remain healthy and avoid dangerous livestock diseases," he said.

Bambang hopes that the day after tomorrow the livestock business of indigenous Papuans will continue to grow so as to provide business income to families.

As of Monday, around 20 livestock businesses managed by local sons of indigenous Papuans have been able to lift the family economy.