Ensures Fulfilling Subsidized Fertilizer, Pupuk Indonesia: Our Production Is Sufficient

JAKARTA - PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) guarantees that the production capacity it has is able to fulfill the subsidized fertilizer assignment quota that has been mandated by the government. The fertilizer quota that must be met is 7.8 million tons.

The details are 4.6 million tons for Urea fertilizer. Meanwhile, 3.2 million tons of nitrogen, phosphat, and potassium (NPK) fertilizers.

SVP Corporate Secretary of Pupuk Indonesia Wijaya Admiral said that Pupuk Indonesia's ability to produce Urea fertilizer is 8 million tons.

Meanwhile, subsidized fertilizer for this type must be fulfilled by 4.6 million tons.

Meanwhile, continued Wijaya, the production capability of NPK fertilizers is 3.5 million tons.

Meanwhile, the quota for subsidized fertilizers of this type that must be met is 3.2 million tons.

"This (NPK fertilizer production) is right, but we have sufficient production capacity for that," he said at the Ministry of SOEs, Jakarta, Monday, March 13.

Even so, Wijaya admitted that to meet the non-subsidized NPK fertilizer production, NPK Pupuk Indonesia was still far below the national need.

"For non-subsidized NPK fertilizers, we don't play much there, because our production is prioritized to fulfill subsidized fertilizers," he said.

Regarding subsidized fertilizers, Wijaya said PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) had distributed subsidized fertilizers of 1.5 million tons as of March 13, 2023.

In detail, Urea fertilizer has been distributed in the amount of 885,675 tons while NPK fertilizer has been distributed in the amount of 620,079 tons.