Anti Baper On Melly Goeslow, Dr. Tirta Explains The Polemic Of Face Shield Without Masks

JAKARTA - Doctor Tirta had uploaded a photo of Melly Goeslaw as an example of using a face shield without a mask which still has a high risk of transmission to Covid-19. Melly Goeslaw also protested because her photo on Instagram of Dr. Tirta was without permission.

"There are many ways to convey something," wrote Melly Goeslaw, starting her statement, quoted from the @melly_goeslaw account, Sunday (10/1/2021). Claiming to be only high school graduates, Melly Goeslaw argues that people with higher education should understand better how to convey something, especially regarding education related to their fields.

"There are a lot of public figures, even ministers and other officials, even a doctor who conducts interviews, sings without using masks or faceshields. They have their own reasons for sure. I don't need to post the photos, because among them are my friends, me. it's impossible to beat my friend, "said Melly.

Melly Goeslaw admits she doesn't want to make a fuss. "I'm just wondering why my photo was posted, you know what is an analogy, right? So you would be wise to describe the atmosphere or its characteristics. Without having to mention names or put up photos," said Melly Goeslaw.

After being tagged for the post, Dr. Tirta replied by making a video post on Instagram. Dr. Tirta admitted that he had had discussions with BNPB, KPI, and the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy regarding the rules for using masks and face shields for artists who appear on stage.

Through uploading videos and statements on Instagram, Doctor Tirta named it education, not clarification. The upload is actually intended to educate and criticize the public for entertainment actors on television. In the midst of incessant calls to comply with the COVID-19 health protocol, entertainment actors mostly only wear face shields without wearing masks.

Currently, the uploads of Dr. Tirta and Melly Goeslow have been deleted. Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Prof. Wiku Adisasmito, asked the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) to firmly reprimand entertainment actors who do not comply with protocol. The COVID-19 Task Force has coordinated with KPI to provide education to TV stations.