The Story Of Tohap Silaban, Fiercely Fighting And Being Arrested

JAKARTA - Tohap Silaban, a man who went viral on social media for pushing, strangling and fighting a police officer, no longer looks fierce after being arrested and named a suspect. Tohap's actions circulated on social media both Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Some accounts also re-upload the video.

This man's head is always bowed down when the police reveal his figure to the media crew at the West Jakarta Metro Police, Saturday, February 8. The fierce face that previously appeared in the viral video is no longer there.

The case that brought him to prison began when several four-wheeled vehicles, including a Toyota Agya with a number plate B 2340 SIH driven by Tohap, stopped at the edge of the Angke toll road, West Jakarta, Friday, February 7.

At that time, the time showed around 09.30 WIB. Still stopped at the side of the road to wait for the completion of the odd-even system time. However, Partoli Jalan Raya (PJR) officers sounded sirens asking drivers not to stop at the shoulder of the road.

Several motorists left the location. However, Tohap didn't do it. His silver car remained on the shoulder of the road. Officers, Bripka Rusdi and Brigadier Eko Budiarto, approached and ticketed him on the grounds that the shoulder of the road was only used for emergencies.

However, Tohap did not accept it and fought the officers. The man, who was wearing all blue clothes, pushed, choked him and invited Bripka Rusdi to fight. Meanwhile, Brigadier Eko Budiarto recorded the incident until finally Tohap was ticketed and left the location.

After the incident, Bripka Rusdi reported the incident to the West Jakarta Metro Police. One day later, Saturday, February 8, Tohap was arrested at a coffee shop in the Tebet area, South Jakarta.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, said that Tohap was arrested for fighting the officer because he did not accept the ticket by the officer.

"The person concerned is experiencing a little stress and has high emotions," said Yusri in Jakarta, Saturday, February 9.

Tohap Silaban was arrested for fighting the police (Rizky Adytia Pramana / VOI)

With the recorded evidence, Tohap can no longer escape. In addition, during the arrest process, the man who was known to be an activist did not resist at all and was resigned to being taken to the West Jakarta Metro Police.

"We have raised this case to the level of investigation. So, we have named the suspect as a suspect," said Yusri.

Although he did not resist when he was arrested, the police who searched his vehicle found a bowie knife and an electric stun gun in his bag.

Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Jakarta Metro Police, Commissioner Teuku Arsya Khadafi, said that based on the results of the investigation, the two weapons were used by Tohap to guard against criminal acts. However, possession of weapons is considered a violation of the rules.

"Based on his confession, it is used for self-defense as a weapon. But sharp weapons are clearly prohibited," said Arsya.

For his actions and the evidence found, Tohap was charged with multiple articles, namely Article 212 of the Criminal Code and / or Article 335 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, as well as Article 2 paragraph 1 of the Emergency Law No.12 of 1951 concerning the possession of sharp weapons.

After the police gave a statement regarding the case, Tohap was given the opportunity to express his regret for attacking the police. With his head bowed because of wearing prison clothes, Tohap apologized to all parties. He promised not to repeat his actions and would always obey the existing rules.

"I made a mistake, I am sorry. I will not repeat it again," said Tohap.