1,000 Business Actors In Bali Get Free NIB

DENPASAR - Deputy Governor of Bali Tjok Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati or Cok Ace handed over 1,000 Business Identification Numbers (NIB) to business actors together with the Bali Province One Stop Integrated Service and Investment Service (DPMPTSP) as the initiator for free. "NIB is an identity for every business actor, by having NIB means that business activities to be implemented are legal, thus business actors in carrying out activities will be safe and comfortable," said Cok Ace as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, March 11. In the technical guidance activity, implementation and supervision of risk-based business licensing, Deputy Governor Cok Ace described the advantages for individual low risk-level business actors who received NIB. According to him, NIB is an important point as the starting point to take care of other licensing, because the identity of business actors will be recorded in the government database. "So that will get many benefits such as facilitating access to People's Business Credit, obtaining training, on target in obtaining government programs, the ease of entering the official community and other conveniences," he said. The issuance of NIB is also in line with the mandate of Article 4 of Government Regulation Number 5 of 2021 concerning Risk-Based Business Licensing, namely to initiate and carry out business activities, business actors are required to fulfill risk-based business licensing. For the activities fronted by the Bali DPMPTSP, the number two person in the Bali Provincial Government expresses appreciation because it must be recognized that individual micro and small businesses with low risk rates that get NIB on that occasion are those who help the government to move the community economy. Head of DPMPTSP Bali Anak Agung Ngurah Sutha Diana added that NIB's handover was made also in order to welcome Nyepi's 1945 Holy Day. As of March 7, 2022, her party provided technical guidance to business actors, every day the Bali DPMPTSP divided the activities into two sessions, namely morning and noon.

The materials provided are related to business development by utilizing digital technology based on local wisdom, material on the issuance of NIB and socialization from BPJS Health and BPJS Employment. "Until now, there have been 1,000 individual low-risk business actors that we have legalized through the issuance of NIB, hopefully this will have a positive impact on the presence of Bali umkm and the economic climate in Bali," said Oka Sutha.