Identity Known, Police Hunt For The 'Bang' Figure Of The Sabu Seller To Ammar Zoni

JAKARTA - Ammar Zoni artist is said to have received methamphetamine from someone called 'Bang' in Boncos Village, Palmerah, West Jakarta. The police are currently hunting for his whereabouts.
"We will pursue it. We are still selling the goods," said Head of Drugs at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Achmad Ardhy when contacted, Saturday, March 11.
Hunting for the figure of 'Bang' is one of the legal steps to uncover drug trafficking networks.
In the process, South Jakarta Metro Police investigators will coordinate with the West Jakarta Metro Police. This is because Boncos Village, which is the origin of the source of methamphetamine from Ammar Zoni, has entered the area, West Jakarta.
"We are still exploring the network, which he must have bought in Boncos," said Ardhy.'
Meanwhile, the figure of Bang was revealed as someone who sold drugs to Ammar Zoni through suspect M and suspect RH.
"There the two suspects met someone who was usually called bang', then by buying and handing over one million rupiahs, the two suspects got 2 clear clips containing methamphetamine," said South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi.