Tangerang Health Office Intensifies Anti-Smoking In Youth

Tangerang - The Tangerang District Health Office (Dinkes) is intensifying socialization and screening of anti-smoking activities among adolescents or first-level Advanced School (SLTP) students in the area. Head of the Mekar Baru Health Center, Rina Ristiyanti said that the educational activities were carried out to minimize active smokers at a young age.," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 10. He said after screening smoking behavior, it was known that several students had started smoking since the age of elementary school. The students were advised to be able to follow the counseling on Smoking Stop Efforts (UBM). "For active smokers among students, we suggest conducting counseling at the Mekar Baru Health Center which is held every Thursday, with the hope that students can stop smoking and start living healthy without smoking," he said.

He conveyed that during this activity his party also collaborated with cross-sectors in both sub-districts and schools, so that this UBM activity could be held in all schools in the Mekar Baru sub-district. "We hope that in the future this activity can be carried out in all sectors, both schools and government offices, and later all sectors can implement smoke-free schools," he said.