Susi Air Pilot Freed From Free Papua, Susi Pudjiastuti: Yes Alloh Help Us Return Him To His Family

JAKARTA - Former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pujiastuti is worried about the condition of Susi Air's pilot, Capt Philips Marthens, who is still being held hostage by the Papuan armed criminal group (KKB) led by Egianus Kogoya.

The owner of the airline Susi Air was worried after seeing the video circulating showing the current condition of Capt Philip among members of the KKB as well as the Papua Mardeka Organization (OPM).

"Yes, Alloh. Strengthen us all," said Susi, written on her Twitter account, @susipudjiastuti, Friday, March 10.

Susi hopes that Capt Philip will be released safely from the KKB hostage-taking action. He hopes the New Zealand pilot can return to his family's arms soon.

"Help us free our captain. Return him to his wife and child who are waiting for him. May You grant our prayers," said Susi.

As for the video circulating, Capt Philip was asked by KKB Papua or OPM personnel to read the writing in a piece of paper. The separatists carried firearms and were dressed in military motifs combined with traditional clothes around Capt Philip, dressed in a blue jacket.

"I have been ordered by the OPM to read the statement. No foreign pilots are allowed to work and fly in Papua to Free Papua," said Capt Philip in the video.

The OPM also asked the United Nations (UN) to mediate between Papua and Indonesia to work together on their desire to liberate Papua. "OPM will release me after Papua's independence," said Capt Philip.