Polri Forms Special Team To Study Komnas HAM Investigation Results, National Police Chief Gives Target

JAKARTA - The National Police Criminal Investigation Unit has formed a special team to review the results of the investigation by the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) regarding the attack on the 6 laskar of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). The special team will investigate all findings including violations committed by members of the National Police.

"The National Police Chief has taken steps with orders to form a special team consisting of Bareskrim, Propam Polri Division, National Police Legal Division to conduct studies and findings or investigations from the National Human Rights Commission," said Head of Penum, Police Public Relations Division, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan to reporters, Monday, 11 January.

Ramadhan said the team formed by the Police Chief would work fast. This is because General Idham Azis gave a target in the process of reviewing the results of the investigation.

But it did not explain when or the time limit given for the assessment.

"The special team will work and is targeted as soon as possible to provide the results of the report so that this case can be resolved because of course this has become public consumption," continued Ramadhan.

Ramadhan emphasized that the National Police will always be cooperative during the investigation process conducted by Komnas HAM. This is demonstrated by the attitude of the Police to assist Komnas HAM's access to the investigation process.

"Since the beginning, the National Police was committed to collaborating with Komnas HAM. This is evidenced by the cooperation of the National Police in opening the widest possible access to Komnas HAM for tools to carry out their duties properly until the end of Komnas HAM's duties," he said.

Previously it was reported, Komnas HAM explained the results of the shooting investigation involving the police and members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) at Km 48 and 50, the Jakarta Cikampek Toll Road, Karawang West Java.

As a result, Komnas HAM said that the police had committed human rights violations against four FPI members. There are two different contexts to look at the shooting case.

"There were six people who died in two different contexts of the incident," said Commissioner and Chair of Komnas HAM Choirul Anam in a press conference broadcast online, Friday, January 8.

The context of the first incident, said Anam, occurred on Jalan International Karawang to KM 48 Cikampek. In this incident two people died.

"The substance of the context is the incidents of shuffling between cars and attacking each other between FPI officers and troops, even using firearms," he said.

While in the second context, this incident occurred around KM 50 of the Cikampek Toll Road. At that time, as many as four FPI soldiers who were alive were later found dead.

"At KM 50 and above, there were four people who were still alive under the control of state officials who were later found dead so that the incident was a form of human rights violation," said Anam.

"The shooting of four people at the same time without any other effort to avoid casualties indicates that there was an act of unlawful killing against the FPI troops," he explained.