It Turns Out That The KPK Has Not Been Able To Check The Regent Of Central Mamberamo Because Of This

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) stated that the inactive Central Mamberamo Regent Ricky Ham Pagawak could not be questioned by investigators even though he had been detained in a detention center (rutan). The reason is that the attorney who accompanies him is always absent."Twice the agenda for examining RHP as a suspect cannot be carried out because the legal advisory team in question is not present," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Friday, March 10.Ali emphasized that the examination agenda had been given to Ricky in the hope that he could notify his legal team. However, they never attended as well as their representatives.The KPK asked the party defending Ricky to be present when he was examined as a suspect. "Because this is the legal right of the suspect and the KPK respects this as a form of implementing legal provisions," he said.Furthermore, the KPK is now extending Ricky's detention period for 40 days until April 20. The detention extension is because the KPK is still trying to find evidence that strengthens the practice of bribery, gratification, and money laundering (TPPU) allegedly committed."Investigators are still being carried out by scheduling examinations of witnesses including searching locations that are suspected of being able to explain the alleged actions of the suspect in question," Ali explained.As previously reported, Ricky has officially been a detainee for the Red and White branch of the KPK Detention Center since Monday, February 20. He is a suspect in alleged bribery, gratification, and alleged money laundering.In this case, Ricky is suspected of receiving bribes and gratuities of up to Rp200 billion. This acceptance was made from contractors who wanted to get projects in Central Mamberamo Regency.There are three contractors who are said to have given money, namely the Director of PT Solata Sukses Bangun, Marten Toding; President Director of PT Bina Karya Raya, Simon Mampang; and Director of PT Bumi Abadi Perkasa Jusiendra Pribadi Pampang.In detail, Jusiendra got 18 work packages with a total value of Rp. 217.7 billion. The projects built include the construction of student dormitories in Jayapura.While Simon got six packages worth Rp179.4 billion and Marten got three work packages with a value of Rp9.4 billion. This work was obtained by the three private sector after they agreed with Ricky to give money.From the money he got, Ricky was then suspected of laundering money by spending to disguise the results of the bribes and gratuities he received.