Utilization Of PT Timah Seaspace Allowed, KKP Please Contribute PNBP Rp12 Billion

The Directorate General of Marine Spatial Management (Ditjen PRL) of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) submitted eight documents for the Compliance of Marine Spatial Utilization Activities (KKPRL) in the form of Approval for the Compliance of Marine Spatial Utilization Activities (PKKPRL) to PT Timah Tbk (TINS), recently.

The document was submitted by the Director General of Marine Space Management Victor Gustaaf Manoppo to the President Director of PT Timah Tbk. in the Rebo Beach Area, Sungailiat, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands.

Director General (Dirjen) of Marine Spatial Management Victor Gustaaf Manoppo said the KKPRL documents that had been issued included fisheries activities, the installation of submarine cables, special ports/terminals, as well as tin ore mining with a total Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) value obtained in Bangka Belitung Islands Province reached Rp12 billion.

"In accordance with the mandate of the law, every activity, including mining activities carried out by settling in the waters and jurisdictions, must obtain a KKPRL," Victor said in his official statement, Friday, March 10.

This is a form of administrative order in an effort to build a business climate in the marine and fisheries sector while maintaining marine health, in order to realize a balance of economic and ecological utilization in accordance with blue economy principles.

Meanwhile, KKP Minister Sakti Wahyu Trenggono said that his party must continue to protect the environment while improving the welfare of the community.

Therefore, Minister Trenggono requested that the economic value generated through sea space management activities by PT Timah can be utilized properly while remaining ecological sustainability, as well as providing benefits for improving people's welfare.

"Currently, the KKP is focusing on accelerating the implementation of five blue economy-based programs to maintain the health of the marine ecosystem, equitable economic growth in coastal areas, to improve people's welfare," he said.

On the same occasion, President Director of PT Timah Tbk Achmad Ardianto revealed, about 80 percent of tin reserves are at sea, so PT Timah Tbk has a mandate to carry out world-class tin mining, but it still has to be able to protect the marine environment.

"With the granting of the PKKPRL permit, PT Timah would like to thank you for the support of the KKP, so that PT Timah can operate better," he added.

For your information, Government Regulation in Lieu of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation mandates, one of the basic requirements for business licensing is the suitability of space utilization activities.

Anyone who makes use of marine space by settling in the waters and jurisdiction must have a KKPRL from the central government.