Ngecak Togel Morning And Morning, Bandar Judi Digelandang To The North Maluku Police Headquarters

MALUKU - North Maluku Police (Malut) arrested a perpetrator suspected of being a lottery dealer during the Kie Raha I Community Disease Operation (Pekat) in 2023, in the Santiong area of Ternate City, Friday, March 10 morning.

"One togel dealer with the initials R aged 29 years with the status of an entrepreneur who is a Santiong resident has been arrested," said Head of Public Relations of the North Maluku Police, Kombes Pol Michael Irwan Thamsil when confirmed, Friday, March 10, as reported by Antara.

He explained that one of the perpetrators was arrested based on reports and information from the public about the illegal toto and online gambling activities in the Santiong area.

According to him, the arrest was based on this information, the Gakkum Task Force immediately moved and arrived at the TKP and then carried out monitoring.

"From the community's activities, after checking and searching, it was true that it was suspected that there was a gambling crime, it was found that there were transaction activities or sales of lottery numbers, so the Task Force Team made arrests," he said.

During the arrest during the activity, the Gakkum Task Force managed to secure one of the residents who acted as a retailer and seller of lottery numbers on Friday, March 10 morning.

Furthermore, the Gakkum Task Force brought the community along with evidence to the North Maluku Police Headquarters for questioning and further processing.

To note, the evidence that was successfully secured was in the form of cash amounting to Rp1,350,000, one ID card, one SIM C, one Mandiri ATM, one BCA ATM and one green Infinix brand cellphone.

Meanwhile, the North Maluku Police Chief Inspector General of Police Midi Siswoko instructed his staff in Ternate City to take firm action against perpetrators related to dark toto gambling aka togel in the Ternate City area.

"I will act if there are people who install lottery," he said.

The Regional Police Chief stated that his party ensured that strict action would be taken against anyone who installed the lottery and if found, they would still be dealt with firmly.