5 Signs Of Children Lacking Parental Attention, Tantrum Is One Of Them

JAKARTA - Every child feels the need to be closer to the person who makes him feel safe, namely parents. Love, affection, and attention are things that children are looking for. However, in today's world, where parents are very busy with work and personal life, children feel left out so they feel less attention. Therefore, here are some signs that children need more attention from their parents.

Summarized from the Times of India, Friday, March 10, children show clingy behavior for several reasons. First, because there is too much attention, the second can also be because it is less or less attention. After all, parents need to realize that the clingy attitude arises because children need a feeling of security and comfort. For that, if you look at your child's behavior as if you cannot escape from you. So this is the right time to find out the cause behind it.

Child tantrums without reason can make parents confused in dealing with them. But make no mistake, behind the explosion of uncontrollable anger and frustration, there is a cause that parents don't realize. Children who are thirsty for attention can do everything they can and try to get this attention. Even if you have to go berserk in public. This tantrum can be in the form of screaming, screaming, or crying.

Aggressive behavior arises because children seek parental attention. This behavior includes throwing things like toys, hitting, self-harming, and anything that can harm him and others. The little one did this because he thought this was one of the easiest ways to get direct attention from his parents.

Children who seek parental attention will continue to ask for your help. Even for things he can actually do himself. Don't be upset, because this is just a tactic to get closer and attract your attention.

Children look small and innocent, but when they want something to go according to their wishes, they can become creative to achieve it. For example, if the child wants your full attention, he will deliberately do something or finish the task slowly. So you have to pay attention and help him.