How To Lose Weight Fast With Military Diet

JAKARTA - The name military diet may still sound foreign to Indonesians. Even so, it turns out that the military diet is one of the most popular types of diets in the world, just like the Mayr diet that Hollywood actress Rebel Wilson lives on and the stirfood diet by singer Adele.

This type of diet is claimed to be able to lose 3 to 4.5 kg of body weight in a week. Is that right?

Basically, the military diet is a type of diet that limits the number of calories and carbohydrates that enter the body. The success of the military diet is determined by the consistency of running a diet that has been arranged in a week. The military diet should be repeated over and over until you reach the desired weight.

Although there is a military name, this type of diet has nothing to do with government institutions. The military diet is also known by several other names, including the low calorie diet, naval diet, army diet, and even the ice cream diet.

For its implementation, the military diet was carried out for three days a week. At this time, you are only allowed to eat low-calorie foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You are also prohibited from consuming snacks while on a low calorie diet.

Total calorie intake is limited to around 1,100-1,400 calories per day. This calorie intake is certainly much lower than the calorie intake for the average adult.

The next four days, you are advised to eat more vegetables and nuts. The calorie restriction is not so strict on these four days, but you are still advised to get used to a low calorie intake. You are not allowed to eat foods made from processed meat, junk food, and fast food.

For drinks, you can consume green tea, herbal teas and of course water. You can continue this program until you get the ideal body weight you want.

Reporting from the Medical News Today page, a review article in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that a low-calorie diet is an effective way to help lose weight in the short term but is not recommended for more than 2 months.

Because, if you go on a military diet for months, and at the same time limit your calorie intake that is too strict, it can certainly increase the risk of nutritional deficiencies. This includes the possibility of gaining weight after stopping the military diet.