Rental Car Rental For Sale To Others, Man In Pekalongan Arrested In Bogor

PEKALONGAN MS (46), a resident of East Pekalongan, Central Java, was arrested by the Pekalongan Police for embezzlement of rental cars. Pekalongan City Police Chief, Central Java Police AKBP Wahyu Rohadi said the perpetrator pretended to be a monthly car renter to convince the victim.

Wahyu Rohadi explained that initially the rental fee payment was smooth, but until mid-September 2022 the perpetrator had not paid the rental fee and was difficult to contact. The victim, who was suspicious, finally checked the car's GPS. It turned out that the car was in the Pekalongan Regency area and had been pawned by the suspect.

"Initially on May 9, 2022, the perpetrator rented a car with a rental fee of 5 million per month. Initially the rental payment was smooth, but since December 2022 the payment was jammed and after checking for GPS, the car that was rented was in the Pekalongan Regency area," explained the Police Chief, in his official statement, Thursday, March 9.

For this incident, the victim then reported to the Pekalongan City Police Satreskrim. From the investigation carried out, the police then arrested the suspect on February 20 at a rented house in Bogor Regency.

The suspect was charged with Article 372 of the Criminal Code, with a maximum imprisonment of 4 years.