What Is The Duties Of Tax Consultants? Check Out The Answer Here

YOGYAKARTA The tax consultant profession is in the public spotlight. This spotlight came after the former Head of the General Section of the Directorate General of Taxes at the South Jakarta Regional Office II, Rafael Alun Trisambodo, was indicated to have used the services of tax consultants to launder money by disguising his assets. So, what is the task of tax consultants?

Tax consultants are people who provide tax consultation services to Taxpayers in order to exercise their rights and fulfill their tax obligations in accordance with tax laws and regulations.

This definition is contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 111/PMK.03 of 2014 concerning Tax Consultants.

From this explanation, it can be concluded that the tax consultant is the person in charge of assisting taxpayers (WP) in managing all matters related to taxes.

With the services of tax consultants, any party that uses this service can carry out its tax obligations properly, without any reason to postpone it.

Summarized from various sources, the following is the duty of tax consultants in providing services to taxpayers:

Tax consultants are required to provide consulting services to Taxpayers in carrying out their rights and fulfilling tax obligations in accordance with the Law.

The taxpayers who are clients are free to consult with the tax consultant services, for all matters relating to taxation.

The next task of tax consultants is to take care of various matters related to the compliance of the client's taxes, such as preparing data, calculating, paying, and reporting.

Tax consultants will also carry out tax planning for their clients. This plan is useful for optimizing client profits. Tax planning is made, including preparing and making annual tax consultant reports.

The annual tax consultant report was made with the following conditions:

The annual tax Consultant's report is submitted to the Director General of Taxes no later than the end of April the following tax year. Tax consultants who form an alliance with other Tax Consultants are required to submit an annual tax Consultant report on behalf of each consultant.

Furthermore, the tax consultant in charge of assisting his client in evaluating data related to the emergence of various taxes that might harm clients' companies.

Tax consultants have a duty to represent or accompany clients when there is a tax audit process.

This assistance was given because there are many clients who do not understand about tax issues.

Tax consultants will also help prepare the data or documents needed during the examination.

Tax consultants will provide assistance to take care of overpayments of taxes or restrictions made by Taxpayers.

Tax consultants will assist and provide assistance, when taxpayers carry out the restitution process, starting from preparing data, submitting restitution, assisting the examination stage, to the final process of receiving the overtax return.

The task of the last tax consultant was to provide assistance to clients who had tax disputes.

In this regard, consultants can provide tax settlement services, which usually appear when clients file appeals, tax objections, and so on.

That's information about tax consultant duties. Read on VOI.ID, to get other interesting news.