Foods That Are Allowed And Not Consumpted When Sore

JAKARTA - Sore throats can make it difficult for you to eat because swallowing food can exacerbate pain in the throat. However, consuming certain foods can make your throat more comfortable. Of course, this must be accompanied by avoiding the type of food that can make pain worse.

What are the foods that are allowed and not consumed when you have a sore throat? The following is the list as reported by Very Well Health, Thursday, March 9.

Consumption of warm soup will feel good in the swollen throat. This snack also contains nutrients that can help treat pain. Sodium in soup has a calming effect, such as gargling with warm salt water. The heat from the soup helps to deal with stuffy noses, thereby reducing post-nasal drip (the main cause of sore throat).

Don't be surprised to read this fact. Reporting from Medical News Today, ice can be a good treatment for sore throats because it has a local cold effect on the inflammatory part. Not only that, ice has a specific inhibition effect on the nerves that are sensitive to pain in the throat.

Smoothie and yogurt are a good choice of soft food for throats. You can make smoothies with a variety of nutritious foods. The textures that are liquid and cold, of course make the throat more comfortable when swallowed. Some ingredients for making smoothies such as frozen berries, bananas, avocados, green vegetables such as kale or spinach, yogurt, milk, nuts or seeds.

Soft and saturated textured foods, such as impacted potatoes or pasta, are the right choice. This food has a double role, which is to relieve the throat when swallowed and make you feel full longer.

Just like food relieves sore throats, there are also foods that tend to exacerbate pain. This food is generally spicy, hard, or contains too many dairy products.

It's best to avoid crunchy and loud foods when you have a sore throat because these foods tend to hurt when swallowed. Avoid chips, crackers, resetzels, cold contracts, and raw vegetables until you feel a little better.

Fruits and acid juice can irritate the throat. So it's best to avoid symptoms of sore throats starting to appear. Some examples of fruit and acid juice include wine, oranges, and pineapple.

You may like adding chilies to cooking. But when a throat hurts, you should avoid it, huh. Even if you have a high tolerance for spicy feeling when you don't experience sore throat. When it hurts, you may find this food causes extra pain in unexpected areas.

Alcohol is acidic so that it can irritate sore throats. When you recover from sore throats, you should avoid alcoholic beverages and use water and tea instead.

Too many dairy products can make mucus feel thicker, which can make postnasal droplets worsen sore throats. A study found that milk-free diet reduces the level of nasopharyngeal secretion (the upper part of the throat behind the nose).