The Mode Of Trading Robot Fraud Wahyu Kenzo Who Successfully Himpun Rp9 Trillion From ATG Trading Robots

The police finally named Dinar Wahyu Saptian Dyfrig or familiarly known as Wahyu Kenzo as a suspect in the trading robot investment case. In practice, crazy rich Surabaya managed to achieve Rp9 trillion from 25 thousand people. Wahyu Kenzo's trading robot fraud mode is now in the spotlight.

As is known, Wahyu Kenzo is the Founder of Auto Trade Gold (ATG) Trading Robot as well as CEO of PT Panskay Berdikari, a company that focuses on the health and beauty beverage industry. Panskay Berdikari also manages Wahyu Kenzo's ATG robot. In carrying out his actions, he gave the lure of more profits to his members.

From the information provided by the police, Wahyu Kenzo's fraudulent mode is the lure of investing in nutritional milk with bonuses in the form of ATG trading robots.

Members are asked to place their money in ATG trading robots, in return, investors are loaned a full-draw of USD 2,000. However, what was promised could not be obtained by investors. The system does not serve what investors want so that the funds to be withdrawn are pending.

In addition, since April 2022, there has been no further communication between members and the management of ATG. On the other hand, members cannot make withdrawals or withdrawals so that money is blocked and cannot be disbursed.

"The situation at that time was the COVID-19 Pandemic. What Wahyu Kenzo offered seemed to provide an opportunity for everyone to get economic benefits. This trading robot provided the lure of packages on the list with promised profits," said Malang City Police Chief Kombes Budi Hermanto at the East Java Police Headquarters, Wednesday, March 8.

The ATG trading robot fraud case itself has long been reported to the police, but the old process has led to the impression that Wahyu Kenzo is above the law.

Malang City Police Chief, Kombes Budi Hemanto explained, this case began when one of the victims, MY, decided to report Wahyu Kenzo to the Malang Police a few months ago. MY own joined in November 2021.

In 2021 Wahyu Kenzo asked RE to meet the victim in the context of presenting ATG trading robots. In the same year, MY, who was tempted, then bought the ATG robot for IDR 42 million by placing the money more than IDR 1 billion.

The victim did receive the profits as promised at the beginning. Because it was lulled, MY then returned to depositing funds of around Rp. 4 billion. Along the way, MY turned out to be unable to attract a withdrawal of USD 25,000. He even tried to withdraw with less nominal and the results were the same. Due to this condition, MY finally reported Wahyu Kenzo to the police.

With this report, the East Java Police then conducted an investigation. Wahyu Kenzo was also summoned several times as a witness but he did not care about the call. The police then made a forced pick-up. Wahyu was picked up on Saturday, March 4, 2023 in Surabaya.

Wahyu Kenzo was named a suspect after the police conducted a case title on March 5, 2023. The police also said that Wahyu Kenzo's profit reached Rp9 trillion with an estimated number of victims of more than 25 thousand people.

The fraudulent mode of trading robot Wahyu Kenzo has extended fraudulent investment in Indonesia. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.