Basarnas Cannot Accept All Volunteers To Help Find Sriwijaya Air SJ-182, Why?

JAKARTA - Basarnas Operations Director, Brigadier General TNI (Mar) Rasman, stated that his party could not accept all offers from volunteers who wanted to help find the Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 aircraft.

This is because the operation to find body parts for victims and plane debris that fell around the waters of the Thousand Islands requires personnel with the expertise that is needed.

"Yesterday I received registrations from various potentials who wanted to be involved in this operation. However, of course we will select all those who want to be involved, because this search for help requires expertise in accordance with what is needed in the field," said Rasman at the JICT II Command Post. , North Jakarta, Monday, December 11.

But Basarnas appreciates the enthusiasm of the volunteers who want to assist in the search operation for Sriwijaya Air SJ-182.

"But the appreciation for us for the spirit of our sense of responsibility, not only for one person or group," he said.

While on the third day of search, the joint team deployed about 2,600 personnel in the search for aircraft debris, victims, and the black box of the Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 aircraft.

"To date, approximately 2,600 personnel are involved directly or indirectly in this search and rescue activity," said Rasman.

According to Rasman, there were 53 defense equipment or large ships deployed in the search. Plus 20 jetski, rubber boats and ribs. Then, there were 12 ambulances on standby.

There are 13 air defense equipment on standby for search use, such as seeing aircraft debris from a long distance and informing ships of the existence of these debris to ships at sea level.

"I think this amount is sufficient for us to be effective in search and rescue. The first and second day, thank God it went well. The evidence submitted to all of us can be distributed properly," he explained.

The Sriwijaya Air plane registered number PK-CLC SJ 182 for the Jakarta-Pontianak route lost contact on Saturday, January 9 at around 14:40 WIB and crashed in the waters of the Thousand Islands between Lancang Island and Laki Island.

Based on manifest data, the aircraft produced in 1994 carried 62 people consisting of 50 passengers and 12 crew members. Of these, 40 adults, seven children, three babies. Meanwhile, the 12 crew consists of six active crews and six extra crews.

Previously, Kabasarnas confirmed that the search for victims and black box operations of Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 lasted 24 hours. Today's search will also be extended to the coast.

Meanwhile, the National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC) has pocketed the recording of a Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 pilot with an Air Traffic Controller (ATC) officer.

"The team has also sent 2 people to collect data at Airnav Indonesia and have collected the recordings and transcripts of the conversation between the pilot and air traffic controllers. The team has also succeeded in obtaining raw data on aircraft movement radar data that will be studied, the team has interviewed air traffic officers in charge of controlling the flight that had an accident, "said the Head of the NTSC Aviation Ethics Sub Committee, Nurcahyo Utomo quoted from Metro TV broadcast, Monday, 11 January early morning.

Nurcahyo explained that the NTSC team was deployed in the process of investigating the Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 accident on the Jakarta-Pontianak route. There are a number of aircraft instruments that the NTSC has examined the findings of the joint SAR operation.

"The NTSC team at JICT has received several components from Basarnas, identified several aircraft instruments, namely the GPWS (Ground Proximity Warning System), radio Altimeter, emergency launching devices which will be identified from which side door because there are 4 on the plane and part of the aircraft in general. from the bottom of the tail, "he continued.