About Fadli Zon, Who Is Currently The Vice President Of The World Parliamentary League For Palestine

JAKARTA - The third World Parliamentary League Conference for Al-Quds (Palestine) was held in Malaysia on 8-9 February 2020. President of the World Parliamentary League for Al-Quds Sheikh Hamid Abdullah al-Ahmar (Yemeni Parliament) and the Central Committee elect two vice presidents which will help organize the solidarity movement and the struggle for world parliaments for Palestine. One of them is Fadli Zon, Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Parliament (2014-2019).

The chairman of the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP) and members of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission 1 - who were appointed together with Nuredin Nabaty from the Turkish Parliament - admitted that his appointment as vice president of the World Parliamentary League for Al-Quds was a tough and honorable mandate. trusted by the parliaments of the 40 participating countries.

"Indonesia will stand with common sense and humanity, strive to defend Palestine and humanity from colonialism and oppression. Parliament has a wide network to their respective countries to ensure commitment and alignments with Palestinian independence," said Fadli in a written statement received by the editorial desk, Monday, February 10.

Fadli also stated that the struggle for Palestinian independence was in line with the mandate of the constitution and in line with the lines of Indonesian foreign policy. Yes, Indonesia has always stood with the Palestinian people.

Attended by more than 300 members of Parliament from 40 countries, the conference with the theme Towards Effective Strategy to Defend Jerusalem was opened with the blessing of Malaysian Prime Minister YAB Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad and closed by Deputy Prime Minister Dato 'Seri Dr Wan Azizah bint Wan Ismail. Apart from the appointment of Fadli Zon and Nuredin Nabaty as vice president of the World Parliamentary League for Al-Quds, this event resulted in several resolutions on the Palestinian issue.

First, supporting the right of Palestine to return and self-determination and and fully support the Palestinian state to become a sovereign and independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Second, reject and condemn the so-called "Deal of the Century", which is a continuation of a systematic American policy that is biased against Israeli occupation and discrimination against the Palestinian people and constitutes a serious violation of international law and human rights.

Third, any negotiations and agreements that do not give full rights to the Palestinian people will end in failure and will only result in more hostility and hatred, preventing the achievement of peace and stability in the region and the world.

All speakers and participants from across the country denounced Trump's proposal for a future Palestine entitled "Deal of the Century". They think Trump's idea represents a new plan of aggression on the Palestinian people and their historical enhancement of their homeland and is a gross violation of international law and human rights.

The conference participants also emphasized that they stand with the Palestinian people to fight with all their might to reject the Zionist Israeli aggression and acts of violations against the Palestinian people and their rights. The participants called for the unity of all the peoples of the world, the people of Palestine, the Arab world and Muslims and formed an international front to face this repeated aggression and abuse.