Ipsos Indonesia: Short Video Content Growth Increases To 55 Percent

JAKARTA - A short video, as the latest online media platform, has now become the main habit of the Indonesian people. According to the Ipsos Indonesia report entitled "Indonesia Short Video White Paper 2023" revealed that short videos have become a new platform for the public to seek information and consume content with penetration of 70%.

In addition, short videos have also expanded their reach and are increasingly being used by Indonesian consumers in recent years. This is evidenced by the short video market that exploded in the last three years with total monthly active users reaching 110 million with a combined annual growth rate or Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 55 percent.

"Short videos are still relatively young, but their growth from year to year is extraordinary. Short videos will later become mainstream media platforms," said Joseph Kristopel, Executive Director of Ipsos Indonesia in his presentation on Tuesday, March 6 in Jakarta.

The report from global leaders in market research also reveals that Indonesian consumers spend approximately 2.1 hours per day watching short videos.

Some of the reasons consumers consume short video content is as an activity that can fill their spare time (56%), as entertainment and relaxing (53%), as a place to increase useful knowledge and expertise (41%).

In addition, because short videos are now all over the world, it's no wonder consumers watch it for a place to explore the world (40%), as well as look for the latest news and information (36%).

In addition, the content of the short video according to Ipsos Indonesia research is also useful as a forum for self-expression (34%), making friends (30%), bridging communication (26%), interacting in a daily social environment (25%), and shopping (22%).