The News Of 6 Indonesian Citizens Exposed To The Corona Virus Entering Via Batam, Denied By The Ministry Of Health

JAKARTA - News circulating that six Indonesian citizens (WNI) who were suspected of being exposed to the corona virus from Singapore entered Indonesian territory via Batam. They entered through the Harbor Bay International Ferry Port in Batam City on Saturday, February 8 yesterday.

Regarding the news, the Head of Public Relations of the Riau Islands Police, Kombes Harry Goldenhart said that this news was being investigated by related parties.

"The info is like that. (Currently) it is still being investigated by the team from the health office and the KKP," said Harry when confirmed by VOI via text message, Sunday, January 9.

The six Indonesian citizens are Chandra Widodo, Winarto, Desy, Suwardi Sumantri, Manis, and Josh Knight Xation.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health immediately denied that there were six Indonesian citizens who had entered from Singapore and were suspected of having contracted the corona virus in Batam.

This denial was conveyed by the Secretary of the Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control (Sesditjen P2P) of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes RI), Achmad Yurianto through his written statement.

According to him, the six people who were suspected of being exposed to the corona virus had been examined by a team from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) and the Tanjung Pinang Health Service.

"All persons or travelers named in the report can be met, taken annesis, and examined. The results of the examination do not show fever and no shortness of breath," Yurianto said in a written statement to reporters, Sunday, February 9.

Moreover, based on the decision of the World Health Organization (WHO) those who are suspected of being exposed to the corona virus will certainly not be allowed to travel. So, he said that the six people who were suspected were of course free from the corona virus.

"The WHO protocol states that suspects should not travel across countries. Suspects are people who are sick and are waiting for the test results. So that the 6 people may not be in the suspect status," he said.

For your information, until now there have been no Indonesian citizens who have been exposed to the corona virus. To prevent the entry of the deadly virus, the government has imposed an entry ban for those who hold national passports or those who have recently traveled in mainland China.

In addition, the Indonesian government has stopped the visa-free and visa-on-arrival policies for Chinese citizens. However, it is not yet known how long this policy will run.