Want To Add Pahala Worship With Witir Prayers? Here Are The Procedures, Intentions, And Priorities

JAKARTA - Witir prayers are complementary to night prayers whose work time can be done after the prayer isya until dawn. The number of rakaat prayers for lightning is odd, namely 1, 3, 5, to 11 rakaats. Outside of Ramadan, you can do it according to the number of rakaats that are agreed upon. But during Ramadan, prayer and lightning are carried out in congregation after tarawih prayers as many as 3 rakaats with two greetings. You can also pray for a 3 rakaat twister to be done with one greeting at the last rakaat. That is, you don't need to do the initial tasyahud in the second meeting.

Every worship that is carried out certainly has benefits, as well as worrying prayers. Launching the Umma page, Wednesday, March 8, there are at least four priority prayers if done.

Additional prayers and night prayer refinements

Witir's sunnah prayer as an additional prayer. Hadith explained that lightning prayer is a prayer that is recommended to be done between the time of the fardu prayer, namely isya and before dawn. By performing traditional prayers you can add prayers and of course get a reward from the prayer.

In addition to addition to praying and making good practice, Witir prayers are actually carried out as a closing of the night prayer that has been carried out both before and after waking up. Without a witir prayer it will not be perfect performing night prayers or qiyamul lail someone.

Loved By Allah

Allah really likes something odd because Allah is single. As rakaat prays for the sunnah of odd lightning, and lightning is one of the worships that Allah loves. As Muslims who believe and are devout in Allah, of course you will also love what God loves. And try to carry out all his orders, including carrying out the sunnah witir prayer.

Praying is answered

Saat melaksanakan salat witir adalah waktu yang tepat untuk berdoakan dan merupakan waktu yang dekat dengan Allah SWT. Doa yang dipanjatkan setelah prayerat witir bisa merupakan salah satu pengadoan yang akan diberi oleh Allah SWT.

Given guidance and strength by Allah SWT

People who carry out lightning prayers will always feel strong in facing trials in the world and their prayers will always be heard by Allah SWT. Allah SWT will always provide guidance for his people who carry out their orders and do what they love.

After knowing the number of rakaat and understanding the priority of carrying out lightning prayers, here are the procedures and intentions to do lightning prayers.

Latin reading: Ushalli sunnatal witri tsal marijutsa raka'mentin mustaqbilal qiblati ada'an lillahi ta'ala

Meaning: "I intend to pray three-chaotic prayers by facing the Qibla because Allah Ta'ala,"

Basically, the procedure for implementing lightning prayers is the same as the procedure for carrying out prayer as usual. Starting from reading the intention, then ending with greetings. Here are the details,

After prayer, you can read the prayer after the following lightning prayer.

You can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't. You can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't.

Latin: Allahumma innaa nas' aluka iimaan da'aimaan, wawan'aluka qalban khaasyi'an, wanas' aluka ilman naafi''an, wanas akat yaqiinan shaadiqon, wanasalulan shaalihan, wanas aluka diinan qayyiman, wanas aluka khair katsir, wanas apalahwa wal aafiyata, wanas aluka tasamamal aafiyati, wanas alal afiyati, anes lukal ghila a aninnaasi. Allahumm' tabbanaa taqabbal minna'a'a amenataa waqiyamana a ahhusy-syu' anaa watadhorru anaa wata abhadammim taquaraaa taqhiaraa ya ala allahu ya alaahu ala allahu yara a' arhamlar raahimiin. Wasalla alalaa khari khalamhi khari ^hi muhammadin wa alalih ahbihi ajm'iina, walhamdu lillaahi rabbil aalamiin.

That is, "O Allah, we ask You, lasting faith, devoted heart, fruitful knowledge, true belief, pious religion, straight religion, lots of goodness. We ask You for forgiveness and health, perfect health, we ask You to be grateful for the gift of health, we ask You to be sufficient for fellow humans. O Allah, our God from us: prayer, fasting, worship, devotion, low self-esteem and worship, and perfect all our shortcomings. O God, the Most Gracious God of all who care. And may the welfare be delegated to His best creatures, the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Likewise his family and friends as a whole. As well as all praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Universe.

That's the procedure, intention, and priority of worrying prayers. If you want to add a reward, don't forget to do it according to the right procedure, yes.