Reliable Robot ROV Diver Prepared To Comb Findings Related To Sriwijaya Air SJ-182, What Is It?

JAKARTA - A reliable robot for deep sea diver, ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) has been prepared to help photograph underwater conditions in the waters of the Thousand Islands. This ROV was used for joint search and rescue operations related to the downing of the Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 aircraft including black boxes and black boxes.

This ROV has been prepared by KRI Rigel 933. KRI Rigel 933 belonging to the Indonesian Navy's Hydrographic and Oceanography Center is said to continue to monitor the black box signal of the Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 aircraft that crashed in the Thousand Islands. The results of the analysis will later be submitted to the dive team on duty this morning.

"Tonight KRI Rigel continues to carry out sensors and subsurface detection. "The results will be analyzed tonight, tomorrow morning we will be briefed again and then we will go down using a ping locater to a position where there is a suspected black box," said Marine Colonel Johan Wahyudi, the Operations Director of Kopaska TNI AL, in an interview at around 23.40 WIB, Sunday, January 10, quoted from the broadcast. Metro TV.

It is confirmed that Johan will certainly hear the dive team first about the location of the black box signal from the Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 plane route Jakarta-Pontianak to be detected in the waters of the Thousand Islands.

"Because this black box has not been found. The first thing is tomorrow, we will discuss the results of tonight's analysis. After that, we go to the suspected position, we install new equipment and lower the diver in the suspected position. Whether it is buried in debris at the bottom, the seabed, we will wait for tomorrow, hopefully there will be no obstacles, ”continued Johan.

Basarnas has prepared a scheme to search for black boxes and victims of the Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 plane that crashed in the Thousand Islands. Divers will be divided into the search to be carried out Monday, January 11 morning.

"From Basarnas, there are 30 divers and assisted by the Navy, Kopaska, Marines, Denjaka, a total of 150 personnel are assisted by volunteers. (So) there are approximately 200 in the field, ”said Basarnas Deputy for Operations, Relief and Preparedness, Bambang Suryo Aji.

Victim Search and Black Box Operations

It is planned that the dive operation for the search for black box and victims of the Sriwijaya Air plane for the Jakarta-Pontianak route which crashed on Saturday, January 9 afternoon will start around 07.00-08.00 WIB.

"We will be briefing the joint SAR team to give an explanation and the division of their working areas," he said.

This search will be carried out through air monitoring and diving. Basarnas has detected the coordinates of the alleged Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 black box.

"The alleged position of the black box is in the coordinates of about 5 degrees-57 minutes-52 seconds south latitude and 106 degrees-34 minutes-37 seconds Southeast. We will further deepen it, tomorrow we will be even sharper, both deployed by divers and the NTSC team working together with the joint team to explore black box points, "continued Bambang.

The divers who are specifically tasked with finding the Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 black box will carry a pinger locater. The black box position will be analyzed if you need special tools to take it.

"The search is now being carried out using the current equipment being carried out using a multibeam echosounder sonar device to confirm the situation below, and ensure the position of the black box must be visually with the ROV. For blackbox retrieval, just a pinger locator that catches the signal so that with the signal emission we can get close, "said Bambang.

What is ROV?

Quoted from the Marine and Fisheries Research and Human Resources Agency, the ROV has the ability to document what is captured by a video camera embedded in its body, and with a hook that functions as a hand it is able to take samples of seabed material which can then be examined in the laboratory. In the body of the ROV it is also possible to install other tools according to research needs.

The robot, which was initially widely used in the mining sector to install pipes under the sea, is now also needed in the marine sector, among others, to assist research activities in the deep sea. The ROV is driven by an operator on board the ship, and by using a remote control and video that appears on the monitor, the operator can direct the ROV as desired. The cable is used to connect the ROV with the operator.

The reason for using ROV is to reduce the risk of human diving, and to facilitate the search process. The approximate location point of mooring is the starting point for the ROV decline, but due to the fairly large current conditions, it takes a long time to search for mooring with the help of this reliable robot, mooring can finally be found and can be lifted back onto the ship to download the data.

This mooring is an object which contains tools for detecting several marine parameters, including measuring instruments for current, salinity, DO (dissolved oxygen).