Regarding Settlements Near Pertamina Plumpang Depot, Ministry Of ATR/BPN: All National Vital Objects Must Have Buffer Zones

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) said that areas around vital state objects, such as the Pertamina Plumpang Depot, North Jakarta, are not ideal to live in.

The reason is, the existence of vital objects must have a distance of at least 500-1,000 meters from residential areas.

"The vital national object is in the spatial planning zone, included in the security defense zone. This means that to prepare a safe situation, it is shown by the provision that it is called a green open space (RTH) and a blue open space (RTB) in the form of water. It is public and private," said Director General of Spatial Planning of the Ministry of ATR/BPN Gabriel Triwibawa to reporters at the Shangri-La Hotel Jakarta, Tuesday, March 7.

"Well, in the provisions, the width of the buffer zone is 500 meters. I don't know exactly what the case is, I don't have data on the ground yet because land data (about) outside Plumpang is needed. So, about all national vital objects are included in the security land zone and there is buffer," he added.

That distance, said Gabriel, aims to prevent people from being affected by the risks that occur in vital objects. However, he continued, regulations have allowed people to live in the area, aka there is no prohibition.

Gabriel explained, before 2015, there were two regulations prohibiting residents from establishing settlements in the area. First, through DKI Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2012 concerning the DKI Jakarta Regional Spatial Planning and Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2014 concerning the Detailed Spatial Planning and Zoning Regulations.

"There, it is stated that there is a kind of buffer for vital objects or green open spaces there, arranged there. All national vital objects are included in the security defense zone and there are buffers," he said.

Then, Gabriel said, in 2020 through Presidential Decree No. 60 of 2020 concerning Spatial Planning for Urban Areas in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Puncak, and Cianjur, the preparation of RDTR was carried out through an existing mechanism.

Thus, people who have lived anywhere, including those in the national defense area zone, who should have buffers (distances) remain in the plan, aka not rearranged.

Furthermore, in 2022 a Governor Regulation Number 31 of 2022 concerning the Detailed Spatial Planning Plan for the DKI Jakarta Province will be issued. Through the governor's regulation, areas that are currently victims of the Pertamina Plumpang Depot fire are included in the industrial and service zones, not areas for buffer zones.

"There is Pergub Number 31 of 2022 concerning RDTR for the DKI region. Now, there is an industrial and service zone, so when the zone is like that, then the presence of the people there is in accordance with the spatial plan," he explained.

Even so, Gabriel was reluctant to provide information about the plan to relocate the Pertamina Plumpang Depot to the Indonesian Port area (Pelindo).

"I can't raise that topic because it's not my capacity to say that," he concluded.