KPK Believes Harun Masiku Is Still Alive: This Duty Debt Must Be Paid By Arrest

JAKARTA - The KPK believes that suspect Harun Masiku (HM), who is also a fugitive in the bribery case for interim replacement (PAW) for members of the DPR, is still alive.

"Whether his status is MD (passed away) or hidden, related to MD or not as long as we do not see where his body is, where is his grave, where is his grave, then we consider him currently still alive," said KPK Acting Deputy for Enforcement Setyo Budiyanto. during the press conference quoted by Antara, Sunday, January 10.

Harun Masiku has been included in the status of the wanted list (DPO) since January 2020. For this reason, Setyo emphasized that the KPK considers Harun's not yet arrest as a "debt" that must be paid as soon as possible by KPK investigators.

"That is an effort that the investigators will do to try to find, trace the whereabouts of this HM. It is one of the responsibilities that we have to solve, we are finished with the hope that this 'debt' from the investigators must be paid by finding, arresting. to HM, "said Setyo.

Regarding the search for Harun, the KPK had also previously evaluated the task force team (task force) responsible for searching for Harun.

In the 2020 KPK Performance press conference, the KPK also acknowledged that Harun had not been caught as one of the debts that received public attention.

"Until now, efforts have been made to arrest HM suspect through coordination with the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit and monitor the whereabouts of HM suspect," Deputy Chairman Nawawi Pomolango said during a press conference on December 30, 2020.