While Cleaning Garbage, Residents Of Srengseng Sawah, South Jakarta, Were Shocked By The Findings Of A Baby's Body

JAKARTA - Jagakarsa Sector Police (Polsek) is investigating a case of dumping babies in the West Kalibaru area of RT13/RW09 Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, Tuesday morning at around 08.15 WIB.

"We have checked the crime scene (TKP), asked for witness statements and conducted a post-mortem," said Jagakarsa Police Chief Kompol Multazam Lisendra, in Jakarta.

Multazam explained that his party had also taken the baby's body to Fatmawati Central General Hospital and would conduct further investigations.

Dijelaskan pada awalnya, saksi N sedang bekerja mengambil sampah dengan menggunakan serokan. Kemudian, saksi melihat benda be suspicious dalam jumlah sampah dan langsung diambilnya.

After that the witness and his friend, E checked the suspected object and found the suspicious object, a baby measuring approximately 20 centimeters who had died.

When asked about the baby's age, the Jagakarsa Police stated that they could not determine because they still had to confirm with related parties.

Furthermore, the two witnesses reported the incident of the alleged discovery of the baby to the Jagakarsa Police Office.

Multazam expressed his concern with the findings and will try his best to uncover the crime.

"We condemn and will try to uncover this crimes against humanity," he said.

The threat of punishment, Multazam added, is a five-year and six-month prison sentence for a mother who dumps a baby by placing and leaving her baby alive, according to Article 305 of the Criminal Code.