Internalization Of Pancasila And Bhineka Tunggal Ika Values As Citizens

JAKARTA - The Webinar Series Ngobrol Bareng Legislator (NGOBRAS) was again organized by the Directorate General of Informatics Applications of the Ministry of Communication and Information with Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission I on Monday, March 6.

NGOBRAS this time carried the theme Internalization of Pancasila Value and Bhineka Tunggal Ika as citizens and presented several sources such as Member of Commission I DPR RI Subarna, Director General of Applications and Informatics Semuel Abrijani Pangarepan, General Chairperson of ICT Volunteer Fajar Eri Dianto, and Director of Implementation of the Nawala Nusantara Foundation Mohammad Yamin.

The internalization of Pancasila values can be said as an effort by the components of the Indonesian nation to realize the shape and mindset of behavior in accordance with the values contained in Pancasila as a consensus as well as a national identity.

Pancasila values are universal so they need to be internalized in the life of the nation and state. Five Pancasila Principles contain values that provide good guidelines. So that when realized in people's lives it will make life more dignified.

The digital world is very broad, there is no territorial limit and all citizens are in it. As good citizens based on Pancasila, we must be able to show mutual respect, respect for differences, maintain manners, be religious even though we are currently in digital communication," said Member of Commission I DPR RI, Subarna, in the October 6, 2023 edition of Ngobras.

Efforts to maintain and strengthen the values of Pancasila in society can be done through three things, namely, through a cultural approach, internalization at all levels of education and enforcing the law on things that are not in line with the values of Pancasila.

Chairman of the ICT Volunteers Fajar Eri Dianto explained that the emergence of technology and the entry of other cultures were not an excuse when people still adhered to Pancasila. The influence that comes in has two impacts, namely that the positive impact is that people can get to know other cultures better and other countries learn Indonesian culture.

Meanwhile, the negative impact is the proliferation of national insight, where people have started interacting on social media and technology regardless of the value of Pancasila.

"With social media, we can introduce culture with many creations and innovations. With social media, some time ago Indonesian netizens were labeled the least civilized netizens, the world saw our comments negative. Let's return Indonesia as the most dignified country," said Fajar.

The Managing Director of the Nawala Nusantara Foundation, Mohammad Yamin, said that the philosophical value of Pancasila was reformulated into instrumental value in the form of laws, policies, and directives. Then the instrumental value is simplified to practical value, the value of which is also called the value of Pancasila.

The practical value in the digital space turns out to be encountered, such as the value of tolerance, mutual cooperation, deliberation, and concern, only the place is irregular and has different backgrounds. This is what is called diversity in the digital space. Ignorance and understanding in placing practical and social media values can foster misperceptions such as the emergence of hoaxes," he explained.

The hope is that when people place the value of Pancasila in the digital world, the community will again reflect Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.