To Criticize Komnas HAM Recommendation On FPI Laskar, This Observer Called The Police Can Be Slaughtered

JAKARTA - Police observer Inspector General (Purn) Sisno Adiwinoto said that the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) failed to focus and made the wrong conclusion regarding the shooting of 6 special troops from the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

Sisno Adiwinoto said, as reported by Antara, Sunday, January 10, Komnas HAM only took pictures of the incident of the killing of 6 soldiers of Rizieq Shihab's guard. In fact, the incident was a series of events that occurred in the main case, namely the violation of Rizieq Shihab's law.

He highlighted the actions of the FPI laskar who chose to wait, even though they had the opportunity to escape, resulting in gunfire and gunfire.

In addition, if there was no gun battle at the Cikampek KM 50 toll road, all the police officers on duty would be massacred.

According to him, Komnas HAM should take this situation into consideration so that the recommendations made are not merely fulfilling orders or pleasing cheerleaders.

He said that Komnas HAM's point of view should be normative, in contrast to members of the police who are tactical in accordance with the law. However, Komnas HAM's assessment is said to have gone too far in the area of the absolute competence of the police's authority as an instrument of the state while carrying out their duties

"Komnas HAM should investigate the case of the incidents of the deaths of FPI troops based on Law 39/1999 and the qualification results are only recommendations," said Sisno Adiwinoto.

Previously, Komnas HAM submitted a report on the results of the investigation of the FPI laskar's death on the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road and found the deaths of six FPI laskar in two contexts.

In the first context, two FPI laskar died because they were involved in the incident of shaking each other and shooting with the police.

Meanwhile, in the second context, four surviving FPI troops were taken by the police and allegedly shot in a car on their way to the Polda Metro Jaya Headquarters. For the actions of the four laskar, Komnas HAM considered human rights violations.