Plumpang Fire Evaluation, Commission VII DPR Will Call Pertamina

JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, said Commission VII of the Indonesian House of Representatives would summon Pertamina to evaluate the fire incident at Plumpang Fuel Terminal (TBBM), Koja, North Jakarta.

"In the context of these evaluations, Commission VII will hear or summon its partner, Pertamina, and then listen to how the real situation is," said Dasco as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, March 6.

Regarding the evaluation of the Pertamina Plumpang Depot fire incident which was also carried out by Pertamina's directors, Dasco said it was under the authority of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir.

"That is of course the authority of the SOE minister, who may later in evaluations with partners or together with Commission VII will also get input from Commission VII," he explained.

He added that Commission VII of the DPR will make a direct visit to the location of the fire incident which is planned to be held in the near future.

"It happened that we should have avoided, but because it has happened, we should conduct evaluations," he said.

Dasco also expressed his condolences and concern for the civil society affected by the fire accident due to the leaking of the pipe at TBBM Plumpang.

Previously, SOE Minister Erick Thohir revealed that Pertamina was ready to move Plumpang TBBM in Koja, North Jakarta, to Pelindo's land.

"We have had a meeting that we will move the TBBM (Plumpang) to Pelindo's land," Erick said in a statement in Jakarta, Monday.

The fire incident at TBBM Plumpang on Friday, March 4, caused many casualties and injuries. In fact, residents in two neighborhood units (RW) had to lose their burning houses.