Note Carefully! These Are The Requirements And How To Register For Pre-Employment Training Partners

YOGYAKARTA Requirements and ways to list pre-employment training partners must be watched by training institutions who want to join as training partners for the next batch of Pre-Employment Card programs.

Quoted from the Pre-Employment page, here are a number of conditions that must be met to become training partners for the Pre-Employment Card program:

1. Administrative Requirements

administrative requirements for candidates for the Pre-Employment Card Program Training Institute (LP2KP), namely:

Administrative completeness for training institutions owned by the private sector, BUMN, or BUMD includes:

Administrative completeness for training institutions owned by the Central Government or Regional Government includes:

2. Technical Terms

How to Register for Pre-Employment Training Partners

That's information about the requirements and ways to list pre-employment training partners. To get other interesting information, keep reading VOI.ID.