Indonesian Crypto Investors Trust Influencers More, Education Needs To Be Intensified

JAKARTA - Technological and social media advances are one of the factors driving the growth of the investment service sector, including crypto assets in Indonesia. This development also creates new opportunities in terms of work such as influencers.

A survey conducted by the Center of Economics and Law Studies (CELIOS) revealed that investors in Indonesia trust more financial information submitted by influencers before deciding to invest, especially crypto assets that are experiencing significant growth. This will be related to consumer education and protection to avoid unwanted things.

Tokocrypto's VP of Corporate Communication, Rieka Handayani, said that the high public interest, especially the younger generation in investing in crypto assets, was driven by several factors, the biggest thing was being influenced by the exposure of public figures or influencers.

"Seeing the role and level of investor confidence in influencers in investing decisions is a good thing, when accompanied by useful, appropriate and not excessive content in promoting a certain asset product, thus causing FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) which can harm investors and potential investors," Rieka said in a statement, quoted by VOI Monday, March 6.

Therefore, he continued, this needs to be a common concern for industry players and regulators to increase supervision and create good education for the community.

Because according to him, misinformation that has a negative impact is a challenge for the crypto asset industry to continue to grow. Investors must continue to do DYOR (Do Your Own Research) or independent research with various trusted sources before deciding to invest.

"There are also challenges that must be considered to make the crypto industry healthy, namely related to education and literacy. Currently, many people do not fully understand crypto asset investment, such as how to start to strategies to get profit. In addition, fraudulent investment fraud is often seen under the guise of crypto assets, thus making the image of this industry negative," explained Rieka.