Thousands Of People In Three Cities Enliven The Healthy Pupuk Indonesia Road

JAKARTA - Thousands of people in three cities welcome and enliven healthy road activities with SOEs held by PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero). In commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the Ministry of SOEs in 2023, the Company held a healthy road simultaneously in four districts of Central Java and South Sumatra.

SVP Corporate Secretary of Pupuk Indonesia, Wijaya Laksana said that the implementation of a healthy road with BUMN Pupuk Indonesia was coordinated by a subsidiary such as PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (PSP), PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek (PKC), and PT Petrokimia Gresik (PKG).

The management of Pupuk Indonesia expresses its gratitude to all people who are involved in healthy road activities with SOEs. The enthusiasm of the community is very high because this activity can be followed by all levels of society and various groups," said Wijaya, in his statement, Sunday, March 5.

SOE Minister Erick Thohir has set a healthy road for SOEs to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Ministry of SOEs, which can be held in 234 regencies/cities in Indonesia. The Ministry of SOEs together with SOEs organize healthy road activities for employees, families of BUMN employees, and the community with the concept of "BUMN Torch Staff" in 234 districts/cities in Indonesia.

Pupuk Indonesia, kata Wijaya melalui anak perusahaan yaitu PSP koordinir kegiatan jalan sehat di Palembang, Sumatera Selatan. Di sana, kegiatan jalan diikuti oleh 1,500 orang. Sementara di Kabupaten Brebes, dikordinir oleh PKC dan menghadirkan sekitar 2.000 orang. Sementara di Kabupaten Tegal dan Kabupaten Pati masing-masing diikuti oleh sekitar 1.100 orang ini disordinir oleh PKG.

The implementation of a healthy road with SOEs in these four districts is marked by the handover of a torch to representatives of SOEs and followed by a flag off signaling the start of healthy road activities with SOEs.

This activity is enlivened by door prize distributions ranging from LED TV, folding bikes, refrigerators, washing machines, gas stoves, and several other interesting prizes. In each event there are also entertainment such as zumba and aerobic dance, band music performances, and DJ.

This healthy road program with SOEs is a form of Government concern through the Ministry of SOEs to employees and indicates that SOEs are in the midst of society. This healthy road activity with SOEs will continue to be carried out every week until the peak of the anniversary of the Ministry of SOEs in April 2023.