Cultivation Of Ornamental Plants Is A New Hobby For Mothers In Padang During The Pandemic Season

JAKARTA - It seems that mothers in Padang City, West Sumatra have a new hobby during the COVID-19 pandemic season. They are diligent in growing ornamental plants to vegetables.

Head of the Padang City Agriculture Office, Syahrial Kamat, said that generally the cultivation activities were carried out by women who live in housing complexes. Narrow land in the yard of the house is well utilized.

"This is positive," said Syahrial in Padang as quoted by Antara, Sunday, January 10

He added that the Women Farmers Group (KWT) had been formed in the housing complex, which numbered dozens. Even women who are members of the KWT, wish to be trained by agricultural instructors and taught how to do good farming.

"Many requests for coaching have come to us through field counselors. And we have accommodated those requests," he said.

Home farming activities carried out by women such as planting chilies in polybags, growing vegetables using hydroponic containers and others. The KWT will also be assisted by means of the basic thought fund (pokir) of DPRD Members.

Syahrial appealed to all women in Padang to be active in farming using land that had not been used.

"Please form a KWT in each place, later we will send extension workers. So that later they will understand how to plant properly," he said.

Meanwhile, a resident of Padang, Riri admitted that since the pandemic, he has had a new hobby, namely maintaining ornamental plants because so far he has mostly worked from home. The plant collection continues to grow, starting from the tongue-in-law, aglonema to taro.

Every morning before leaving for work he regularly watered and cared for. "Planting flowers can be a stress reliever, the heart becomes calm and beautiful to look at," he said.