Wow! Tsunami Detection Device On The West Coast Of Lampung Is Damaged

JAKARTA - The Tsunami Early Warning System (TEWS) detection device in the sea of Pesisir Barat Regency, Lampung is no longer functioning due to damage due to age and weather.

the secretary of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of West Coast Regency, Lampung Hermansyah, said that the equipment was damaged because it had been eaten by age and weather factors, so it could not function.

"In the past there was a tsunami detection device installed in the West Coastal Sea, but it has been damaged for a long time and cannot be repaired again," he said, quoting Antara, Saturday, March 4.

According to him, this tool is very important, if things happen that are not desirable, the community can immediately go to the evacuation route point for notification of the tool.

He said that for the evacuation route, his party had prepared several points throughout the West Coast.

"So for the evacuation route in every sub-district on the West Coast, we already have an evacuation route gathering point," he said.

He hopes that in this West Coast Regency a tsunami detection device will be installed as soon as possible.

"We also hope that the central government will install a tsunami detection device because this West Coast area is a coastal area," he hoped.

One of the residents of Pagar Baru, who was relaxing on Labuhan Jukung Mulyono beach, said he just found out that the West Coast sea does not have a tsunami detection device.

"In fact, I just found out that there is no tsunami detection tool here, it should be installed because our sea is directly with the Indian Ocean, and also our sea area, earthquakes often occur here, so we really need our territory with this tool," said Mulyono.