Kolinlamil TNI AU Prepares Investigation Of Plumpang Depo Fire Victims

JAKARTA - The TNI has prepared evacuation locations for residents affected by the Pertamina Plumpang fuel oil depot (BBM) fire, North Jakarta.

This was done by the Indonesian Navy's Military Cross-Navy Command. The quick response action was carried out by registering Kolinlamil personnel and residents who might be victims.

"Instructing all ranks located in Jakarta to carry out quick response action after the fire disaster that occurred at the Pertamina Plumpang Depot," said the Commander of the Military Cross-Seatra Command (Kolinlamil) Rear Admiral TNI Yayan Sofiyan quoting Antara.

Further instructions for the Kolinlamil Headquarters Detachment Commander to alert guard division soldiers and sleeping soldiers, ready at any time to be deployed to assist in the evacuation of victims, including preparing fire engines to be deployed in the event of further fires.

Panglima Kolinlamil secara langsung telah menghubungi Wali Kota Jakarta Utara Ali Maulana Hakim untuk menawarkan bantuan berupa penyiapan tempat evakuasi warga yang terdampak kebakaran dengan menyiapkan akomodasi di tank deck KRI Banda Aceh-593 yang saat ini sedang sandar di Dermaga Mako Kolinlamil, Jakarta Utara.

Laksda Yayan Sofiyan has also alerted the Kolinlamil Health Office to accept and assist the handling of the Pertamina Plumpang Depot fire victims.

The quick reaction taken by the Commander of Kolinlamil as proof of Kolinlamil's commitment together with all stakeholders and components of society in helping and solving problems that exist in society.

This is a follow-up to the emphasis of the Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Ali on efforts to strengthen the solidity of the TNI.

In addition to establishing synergies with the National Police, government agencies and other components of the nation in accordance with the TNI doctrine to support the success of the Navy's tasks and the main tasks of the TNI.